Arrival/Dismissal Updates 23-24

Arrival/Dismissal Updates 2023/24

This information has been updated in the family handbook as well, but please note the following NEW procedures for arrival and dismissal:



PreK: will enter directly into the classroom from doors on Woods of Arden

Kindergarten: will enter on Koch Blvd, entrance 3 to cafeteria

1st grade: will enter on Koch Blvd., entrance 3 to cafeteria

2nd grade: will enter on Koch Blvd., entrance 3 and go straight to cafeteria

3rd grade: will enter through the main entrance and enter the auditorium

4th grade: will enter through the main entrance and enter the auditorium

5th grade: will enter through the main entrance and enter the auditorium



PreK will dismiss directly from the classroom on Woods of Arden

Kindergarten: K-141 will dismiss out the classroom door K-139 will dismiss out the classroom door K-131 and K-133 will dismiss from exit 4- Koch Blvd near Woods of Arden

Grades 1 and 2 will be dismissed at the Stop and Drop area on Koch Blvd. Grade 2 will line up by class near the rainbow. Grade 1 will line up by class near the running zone. Teachers will dismiss each class to the gate. Parents will remain outside the gate.

3rd grade: will dismiss out the main entrance and go up the stairs

4th grade: will dismiss out the main entrance and go up the ramp

5th grade: will dismiss out of Exit 2